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Dr. (Lovering) Ahern's Research Publications:

Kelly, M. M., Reilly, E. D., Ahern, M. E., & Fukuda, S. (2020). Improving social support for a veteran with PTSD using a manualized acceptance and commitment therapy approach. Clinical Case Studies, 1-16.

Reilly, E. D., Ritzert, T. R., Scoglio, A. A. J., Mote, J., Fukuda, S. D., Ahern, M. E.,  & Kelly, M. M. (2019). A Systematic review of values measures in acceptance and commitment therapy research. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 12, 290-304.

Lovering, M. E., Rodgers, R. F., Edwards George, J., & Franko, D. L. (2018). Exploring the tripartite influence model of body dissatisfaction in postpartum women. Body Image, 24, 44-54.

Rodgers, R. F., Franko, D. L., Lovering, M. E., Luk, S., Pernal, W. & Matsumoto, A. (2017). Development and validation of the female drive for muscularity scale. Sex Roles, 1, 1-9.

Rodgers, R.F., Wilking, C., Gottlieb, M., Daynard, R., Lovering, M. E., Matsumoto, A., Luk, S. Iannuccilli, A. Shoemaker, H., Convertino, A., & Franko, D.L. (2016). A qualitative study of the decision to engage in tanning behaviors among female college students. European Review of Applied Psychology, 66, 1, 1-8.

Lovering, M. E., Heaton, K. J., Banderet, L. E., Neises, K., Andrews, J., & Cohen, B. S. (2015). Psychological and physical characteristics of U.S. Marine recruits. Military Psychology, 27, 261-275.

Rodgers, R. F., Franko, D. L., Shiyko, M., Intille, S., Wilson, K., O'Carroll, D., Lovering, M. E., Matsumoto,. A, Iannuccilli, A., Luk, S., & Shoemaker, H. (2015). Exploring healthy eating among ethnic minority students using mobile technology: Feasibility and adherence. Health Informatics.

Franko, D.L., Rodgers, R.F., Lovering, M. E., Fernandes, C., Alfieri, A., Matsumoto, A., Accomando, K., & Thompson-Brenner. H. (2013). Time trends in cover images and article content in Latina magazine: Potential implications for body dissatisfaction in Latina women.  Journal of Latino(a) Psychology, 1, 243-254.

Lovering, M. E., Proctor, S. P., & Heaton, K. J. (2013). A retrospective study of anxiety disorders in the military from 2000 to 2009.  Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 1, 25-32.

Franko, D. L., Coen E. J., Roehrig J. P., Rodgers, R. F., Jenkins A., Lovering, M. E., & Dela Cruz, S. (2012).  Considering J.Lo and “Ugly Betty:” A qualitative examination of risk factors and prevention targets for body dissatisfaction, eating disorders, and obesity in young Latina women.  Body Image, 9, 381-387.

Franko, D. L., Lovering, M. E., & Thompson-Brenner, H. (2013).  Ethnicity, race, and binge eating disorder.  In J. Alexander, A. Goldschmidt and D. Le Grange (Eds.), A clinician’s guide to binge eating disorder.  New York, NY: Routledge.

Blustein, D. L., Barnett, M., Mark, S., Depot, M., Lovering, M. E., Lee, Y., Hu, Q., Kim, J., Backus, F., Dillon-Lieberman, K., & DeBay, D. (2012). Examining urban students’ constructions of a STEM/career development intervention over time.  Journal of Career Development, 40, 40-67.

Blustein, D. L., Barnett, M., Mark, S., Depot, M., Lovering, M. E., Hu, Q., Kim, J., Backus, F., & DeBay, D. (2010). Exploring high school students’ development of STEM-related career interests. NSF supplemental application (NSF application #: 0749430) summary finding.  Boston College: Chestnut Hill, MA.

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