Doctor of Philosophy, Counseling Psychology
Northeastern University, Boston, MA
Certificate of Completion, One Year Program in Psychoanalysis
Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis, Brookline, MA
Master of Arts, Counseling Psychology
Boston College, Boston, MA
Bachelor of Arts, Major: Psychology, Minor: Criminology
Stonehill College, Easton, MA
Training Experience:
Addiction Treatment Center of New England
Cambridge Juvenile Court Clinic
Wheaton College Counseling Center
Worcester Recovery Center and Hospital
University of Massachusetts Medical School / Worcester Recovery Center and Hospital
(APA Pre-doctoral Internship)
Edith Nourse Rogers Veterans Memorial Hospital
(APA Post-doctoral Fellowship)
Edith Nourse Rogers Veterans Memorial Hospital
Staff Psychologist
After many years as a staff psychologist at the Edith Nourse Rogers Veterans Memorial Hospital,
Dr. Ahern is now solely in private practice working with clients on anxiety related disorders.
Dr. Ahern periodically teaches as an adjunct professor at Northeastern University.